5 Ways Our School-Based Prevention Programs Assist Elementary-Aged Children

HomeBlog5 Ways Our School-Based Prevention Programs Assist Elementary-Aged Children

Rainbow Days, which were created by the Kids Connection / CBSG Program, is one of many school-based prevention programs that our team at REACH Council offers. The program was developed to help elementary-aged children learn valuable life skills, make healthy choices, and increased their self-esteem.

5 Ways Our School-Based Prevention Programs Assist Elementary-Aged Children

Here are a few key ways our other elementary school-based prevention programs can impact students:

  1. Resilience and Coping Skills: The program introduces healthy ways to deal with stress and adversity, such as peer pressure, family conflicts, and academic stress. Learning how to cope with these tough emotions will help them recover from setbacks and develop a more positive attitude towards life.
  1. Promoting Healthy Decision-Making: This program, like many of our other school-based prevention programs, highlights the value of making healthy choices. Through interactive games and discussions, children learn how to assess the effects of their actions and make decisions that benefit their well-being. This includes understanding the consequences of drugs, alcohol, and other risky actions.
  1. Social Skills and Empathy: Students learn critical social skills like effective communication, cooperation, and dispute resolution. They also learn to understand and respect other people’s thoughts and opinions, which fosters empathy and leads to stronger, healthier relationships.
  1. Self-esteem and Confidence: The curriculum also helps children develop self-esteem and confidence by acknowledging their own qualities and successes. This confidence motivates them to take on new challenges and believe in their own abilities to succeed.
  1. Problem-solving Skills: Our school-based prevention program also enables youth to identify issues, think critically, and devise effective solutions. This problem-solving capacity is critical for handling daily problems and making sound judgments.